November 21, 2019 FACE 2.0 questionaire answers


Nov 21 response to 4 facilitated questions


What is a successful ARTS of Culture partnership? (part 1)

·       Okotoks Dawgs- local and eager to work with arts; community minded

·       Canmore Arts Place

·       C-Space

·      HR Venue

·      Bragg Creek Arts

·      Calgary Arts Development

·      Banff Centre

What is an ARTS or Culture partnership that should be created? (part 2)

·       A successful partnership needs co-ordination & collaboration of all artists and arts organizations

·       One that encompasses all artists

·       Connection; collaboration; communication; education

·       Cost saving by buying bulk

·       Housing & studio complex for artists – physical component

·       Business support for artist: grants; marketing workshops; training; branding; sponsorship

·       Arts must be in partnerships with local governments to ensure growth and sustainability

·       Grown FACE and OAC partnership as a start then grow others into cohesive partnership

·       Brand the arts for the foothills 

·      $’s in

·      New ideas

·      Individuals cooperating

·      Posting the most economic way involving the most people you can 

·      Groups cooperating

·      Art is a verb

·      Place & space to meet

·      Cool events

How can we place ARTS and Culture more at the Centre of Life in the foothills?

·       Be more interesting than horses and hockey

·       Culture crawl – annual event

·       UNESCO world heritage site designation

·       Enhance and improve what already exists

·       Constant conversation/education

·       Repetition & consistent times

·       Pull together fragmented efforts; advertising to gain members and pull things together

·       Single platform to post things onto; database with filters so one can see things in separate destinations; single listing of all events happening in the foothills

·      Hold exhibitions-we need to help people connect with the artist

·      Recognize at ALL outdoor events what the ART exists

·      Without the product of ART creates the CULTURE and environment in which we live in

·      Make it accessible

·      More funding to fund more arts programing

·      Point out how the arts connect to every single industry

·      Create a hub that would be the meeting centre of all things creative

·      Show its value; wide variety of art and artists; its about education and performance; inexpensive

·      Consistent media – on all arts and how they are essential to our everyday culture

·      Demonstrate an absence in the public realm

·      More collaborations e.g., most beautiful art town 

·      Building public awareness of the arts by including daily / weekly “eagle” radio program during drive to work and home

·      Build awareness at community level

·      Consistent media coverage ho how the ARTS are the glue 

·      Celebrate and promote great events that are reflective of the goal

·      Start collaborations at a valued layer of information

·      Cat café, goats on roof and arts space; studios& marketing with arts residence; (short term good ice cream)

·      UNESCA Intangible Culture Heritage Event

·      Affordable artists residence with show space & regular events to draw people to community with snakes

 What do you suggest is the next step to move forward with a significant purpose-built performing ARTS centre?

·       Agreement on what is needed/survey on what is needed

·       Clarity of needs agreement

·       Pull together the statistics needed to justify the use and size of a performing arts centre

·       Collect hours spent on education & experience & outcomes; economics 

·       Diversifying & growing membership

·       Community leaders engaged in help to develop a vision for a performing arts centre that will enable fundraising

·       Define purpose

·      Commitment: $’s; people; town

·      All levels of government must be forced to recognize what the arts do for economics

·      Reliable funding

·      Benefactors

·      Get money and private investors

·      Introduce government funding to the arts just as sports receives with no request 

·      Get grant funding 

·      Funding – corporate sponsorship

·      Government funding; town funding; fund raising events; corporate funding; diversify membership and grow; membership fees; building awareness; educational seminars; social media strategy; share member arts and events

·      Pop-up storefront in each town -> fund raising

·      What architectural style will it be

·      Pull together an inventory of ARTS and Culture organizations that would benefit from having a performing arts centre

·      Open house to promote

·      Advertising

·      How many people will it accommodate?

·      What is holding you back

·      Get letters of support from arts groups

·      Choose from wish list – reality

·      Public engagement sessions & letters of support 

·      Sell bricks to raise $’s – put your name on one of the bricks

·      Get events at RPAC

How can we better promote the value of ARTS and Culture in the foothills?

·       Work together regardless of medium

·       Show that arts & culture supports real people in the community

·       Feature stories in media

·       Art walks

·       Build awareness through advocacy

·       Show- art & well being

·       Share positive stories from performers about how art has changed their lives

·      Have arts day where artists teach each other (a piano teacher could take a painting lesson)

·      Communication – demonstrations

·      Fun & special & cool destination – artists; people – schools 

·      Community prefect

·      Education “non-creative” industries are how they use the arts

·      Educate people – open days – demos

·      Demonstrate to educate

·      Value – define – what does this mean to everyday people 

·      Define value

·      Expose how other industries are already valued – why – use the same model with arts

·      Centralize information centres 

·      Meeting place 

·      Host discussions with local schools on how they (school board members) use the arts on a regular basis

·      Bring the arts community together

·      Join with others

·      Visit other communities

·      Foothills tourism

·      Cohesiveness

·      Team-up with other activities

·      Stop asking for free art to raise funds for “good causes”

·      Regular eagle promotions; invite questions from media 

·      Social media

·      Show how the arts makes you grow

·      Visual promotion

·      Collaborate

·      Have adult colouring contest for fun prize

·      Talk / listen

·      Learn the demographics

·      Come-up with an idea/ event and do it