Highlights of the OAC meeting at the Elks Hall in Okotoks for stepping into the Foothills Arts Collaboration Evolves evening. Monday August 26, 2019.
Our feedback from this evening;
Joseph Tubbs writes, “I thought it was interesting and the turnout was good. I think lots of individuals had some good networking. Registering people for the arts network right at the table was a great idea!”
Wes Hall writes, “Very interesting, good speakers, seems lots of potential.”
Leah Koski writes, “What a great well organized event!”
Sheena Fleming Read writes, “My head is spinning with all the possibilities!”
Tables set up, and ready to go!
Database registration!
A visual presentation of the goals for the OAC with F.A.C.E.
Kari Watson from Spaces Database Coordinator with Calgary Arts Development.
Foothills arts community, the start!
Katie Fournell from Okotoks Film Festival.
More of our arts communities.
Charlene Delisle from Granary Road.
Ryan Lindsay, Executive Director from the new Foothills Tourism Association.